In 1904, biologist Joseph Grinnell formulated what has since become known as the Competitive Exclusion Principle: if two species overlap in their niches, the degree of overlap correlates to the degree of competition between them. If the competition becomes too high, eventually one of them is outcompeted and dies out.
Contrary to the "Nature is red in tooth and claw" view of the natural world, however, many species solve the problem of competitive exclusion in remarkable peaceable ways. Some partition the habitat -- for example, species of insect-eating warblers in my part of the world avoid competing for food by splitting up where they forage, with some species mostly staying in the treetops, others in the the forest midstory or undergrowth. Elaborate cooperative strategies are also remarkably common -- witness lichens, which are a symbiotic pairing of an algae species and a fungus, where the fungus gives the algae housing, and the algae photosynthesizes and donates some of the nutrients to its host.
So despite how it's often characterized, nature doesn't always land on the violent solution.
Sometimes, though...
There's a rain forest tree found in Panama called the almendro (Dipteryx oleifera). It's in the bean family, Fabaceae, which you can tell if you look at its pinnately-compound leaves and showy flowers:
Well, the almendro has evolved a strategy for dealing with all of that at once.
A study this week in New Phytologist looked at a peculiar pattern that ecologist Evan Gora, of the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, had noticed: almendros seemed to have an unusually high likelihood of being struck by lightning, but almost never sustained any significant damage from it. Well, after a five-year study, Gora and his collaborators found that almendros that were struck usually just lost some leaves and small branches, while other species sustained significant damage, with 64% of the struck trees dying within two years.
Not only that, but the lightning strikes completely wipe out any lianas. Almendros that were hit by lightning not only recovered quickly, they had their tangle of vines blown to smithereens. And neighboring trees that were jolted by the strike -- through sparks jumping from the almendro -- often died, too, freeing up more living room.
The data shows that living near an almendro raises a neighboring tree's likelihood of being killed by a lightning strike by 48%. "Any tree that gets close," Gora said, "eventually gets electrocuted."
How the almendro has managed to evolve into a natural lightning rod is uncertain, but it has been found that the cells in its wood have wider channels for water transport, making the wood more electrically conductive. Most of the damage to trees from lightning strikes occurs because internal resistance causes the electrical energy to dissipate as heat, making the sap boil and triggering the trunk to explode. Lowering the electrical resistance allows the current to pass through the trunk and safely into the ground with less heating. This means that not only does the almendro not suffer as much damage, it actually attracts lightning -- electrical discharges tend to follow the path of least resistance.
So even if sometimes the natural world does evolve nice, friendly, cooperative solutions to the problems of survival, sometimes it... doesn't. Even the trees don't always. Like the Ents and Huorns from Tolkien's Fangorn Forest, sometimes the trees deal with their enemies by taking matters into their own... um... branches.
Think about that next time you're going for a nice stroll in the woods.